报告题目:Linking RNA Processing and Function
陈玲玲,2009年毕业于美国康涅狄格大学获得生物医学博士和管理学硕士学位,2011年初任中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心研究员。2017年入选霍徳华休斯医学研究所(HHMI) 国际研究员,国家自然科学基金委杰出青年。陈玲玲长期从事RNA代谢和功能研究。她创建并利用RNA研究的新技术体系,发现包括环形RNA和小核仁RNA结尾的长非编码RNA等新型RNA分子家族及其在哺乳动物细胞中普遍存在、解析它们全新的生成加工途径、揭示新型RNA在细胞核亚结构域功能、天然免疫调控中的重要机制并与小胖威利综合征、自身免疫失调等疾病密切关联。这些工作以全新视角揭示哺乳动物转录组复杂性及长非编码RNA的多样性和重要功能。以 (共同) 通讯作者在Cell (5 篇)、Science (2篇)、Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol (3篇)、Mol Cell (9篇)、Nat Cell Biol (2篇)、Nat Methods等期刊发表 50 余篇论文。受邀担任Cell、Science、Mol Cell等多个期刊的编委,担任美国冷泉港实验室会议、冷泉港亚洲会议、国际RNA学会年会等大会主席。曾获CBIS青年研究员奖、中国青年女科学家奖、谈家桢生命科学创新奖、中科院青年科学家奖、中国青年科技奖特别奖、科学探索奖、国际RNA学会Mid-Career Research Award等学术奖励。
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging as new regulators in gene expression networks and exhibit a surprising range of shapes and sizes. Many lncRNAs are transcribed by RNA polymerase II and are capped, polyadenylated, and spliced like mRNAs. By developing methods for genome-wide discovery and characterization of non-polyadenylated RNAs, we have identified several distinct RNA species with unexpected formats. These RNAs are derived from long primary transcripts via unusual RNA processing pathways and are stabilized by different mechanisms, including capping by small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA)–protein (snoRNP) complexes at their ends or forming circular structures. We have shown that some such RNAs are involved in gene regulation and implicated in human diseases such as Prader-Willi Syndrome and the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus. In this talk, I will discuss our most recent findings on their biogenesis, mechanisms of action and potential application of these unconventionally processed circular and long ncRNAs in human health and disease.